Custom packaging designs and produces unique solutions tailored to a brand’s products. What is packaging design? It involves creating packaging that protects the items and reflects the brand’s identity and values. The goal is to capture consumer attention, evoke emotions, and drive purchasing decisions. Customised packaging has grown significantly in popularity. According to Ipsos reports, 7 out of 10 consumers say that packaging design influences their purchasing decisions. Additionally, 69% of online shoppers say they will likely buy again if the product comes in unique packaging.

A company’s successful branding, packaging, and opinion have historically helped it establish a strong market presence. The history of customised packaging dates back centuries. In ancient times, Egyptian merchants used papyrus to wrap their products, while Chinese traders used wooden boxes adorned with ornamental jade and pearls. These early examples demonstrate the long-standing practice of utilising packaging as a means of brand identification.

Importance of Brand Identification

The visual and verbal representation of a brand. It comprises the tangible and intangible elements that shape how a brand is perceived. It also encompasses the unique characteristics, values, and images distinguishing a brand from its competitors.

But why is it important? Studies reveal that consistent brand presentation can increase revenue by up to 23%. Furthermore, 89% of customers remain loyal to brands that share their values.

The critical components of brand identity include:

  • Brand Name: The name that represents the brand and creates consumer recognition.
  • Logo: A visual symbol or mark that represents the brand’s identity and helps with instant recognition.
  • Colours: A carefully selected colour palette that evokes emotions and associations related to the brand.
  • Typography: Unique fonts and typography styles are used consistently across brand communications.
  • Messaging: The tone, language, and voice used in brand communications to convey the brand’s personality and values.

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Benefits of Custom Packaging

Custom packaging offers several benefits for brands aiming to build a strong brand identity. Let’s read on to discover them.

1. Differentiation from Competitors

Custom packaging sets your brand apart from competitors by offering a unique and memorable unboxing experience. It allows you to showcase your brand’s personality, values, and attention to detail, leaving a lasting impression on consumers.

With custom packaging, you can create a packaging design that reflects your brand’s aesthetics and creates anticipation and excitement when customers receive your products.

2. Enhanced Brand Recognition and Recall

Well-designed custom packaging creates a visual identity that consumers can easily recognise and associate with your brand. When customers consistently encounter your brand’s packaging, it reinforces brand recall and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases. It serves as your “calling card.”

3. Positive Customer Experience and Loyalty

Custom packaging enhances the overall customer experience, creating a sense of excitement and delight. It shows that your brand goes the extra mile to deliver a memorable experience, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The unboxing process becomes enjoyable and memorable, reinforcing your brand’s positive perception. This positive customer experience fosters loyalty as customers feel valued and appreciated. They are more possibly to share their positive experiences with others, both online and offline, further strengthening brand loyalty and attracting new customers to your brand.

4. Opportunity for Storytelling and Brand Messaging

Through creative design, imagery, and messaging, brands can communicate their values, mission, and product benefits, fostering a deeper connection with customers. Your packaging design can tell a story that resonates with your target audience, creating an emotional connection and building brand affinity.

Whether through sustainable packaging materials, social impact initiatives, or the story behind your brand’s inception, custom packaging allows you to convey these narratives and create a stronger bond with your customers.

5. Increased Perceived Value

High-quality and visually appealing custom packaging can enhance the perceived value of your products. Customers often associate premium packaging with premium products, leading to an increased willingness to pay higher prices. When your packaging design reflects the quality and value of your products, it elevates the overall brand experience.

Customers feel that they are receiving something special and worth the investment. This can positively influence purchasing decisions and increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

Custom Packaging Strategies for Building Brand Identity

To leverage custom packaging for building a solid brand identity, consider the following strategies:

1. Researching and understanding the target audience

Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience’s preferences, values, and purchasing behaviour. This insight will guide your packaging design decisions to resonate with your intended audience.

Start by conducting an extensive analysis of the existing marketplace. What products do people already buy? What trends exist in this market? Are there any competitors that stand out from the crowd?

2. Aligning packaging design with brand positioning

Ensure your packaging design aligns with your brand’s positioning and value proposition. If your brand focuses on luxury and elegance, the packaging design should reflect these qualities.

The choice of materials and finishes can immensely impact your brand’s perceived quality and positioning. 

For a luxury and elegant brand, consider using high-quality materials such as premium paper, foil stamping, embossing, or special coatings to add a touch of sophistication to your packaging.

3. Incorporating brand elements and logos into packaging

Integrate your brand’s logo, colour palette, typography, and other visual elements into the packaging design. This creates a cohesive brand experience and reinforces brand recognition.

If you have a recognisable logo, be sure it is visible on the packaging. 

If you still need an established logo, consider using a brand mark or logotype as an alternative. Your choice of lettering style should match the overall design aesthetic of your brand.

4. Customising packaging for specific product categories

Tailor your packaging design to suit particular product categories within your brand. For example, if you offer skincare products, customise the packaging design to reflect the unique characteristics of each product.

You may add specific product information on the packaging, such as “For Sensitive Skin” or “Anti-Aging Formula.” This effectively reinforces the brand promise in a way that is easy for consumers to understand and remember.

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A lot of Instagram influencers create unboxing videos. This is an excellent way to generate natural engagement and helps brands reach new audiences outside their customer base. These influencers sometimes cross-promote their content by downloading and sharing the video on other social media accounts like Facebook and TikTok.
According to recent statistics, 88% of consumers like to see more relevant video content from brands. So encourage your customers to create unboxing videos by adding a personalised insight into the package before they open it. You can include a personal note or gift card with instructions to share on social media after they unbox their purchase.

Successful Brand Identity through Custom Packaging

Here are some examples of companies that use customised packages to develop their brand.

Apple Inc.: Sleek and minimalist packaging design

Apple Inc. has mastered the art of brand identity through its sleek and minimalist packaging design. The clean white boxes with straightforward typography and minimalistic product imagery exude sophistication and elegance. This design philosophy aligns with Apple’s brand values of simplicity, innovation, and user-friendly technology.

Glossier: Pink and minimalist packaging reflecting brand aesthetics

Glossier, a beauty brand, has built a strong brand identity through its distinctive pink and minimalist packaging. The soft pastel pink colour palette evokes femininity, while the minimalist design conveys a sense of simplicity and natural beauty. Glossier’s packaging resonates with its target audience, creating a cohesive and recognisable brand identity.

Coca-Cola: Iconic red and white colour scheme on packaging

Coca-Cola’s packaging is a testament to the power of consistent branding. The iconic red and white colour scheme is instantly recognisable worldwide. Using these colours on bottles, cans, and other packaging reinforces the brand’s identity and evokes feelings of happiness, refreshment, and nostalgia.


Custom packaging presents a valuable opportunity for brands to build a solid and memorable brand identity. By understanding the components of brand identity and leveraging effective packaging strategies, businesses can create packaging that differentiates them from competitors, enhances brand recognition, and fosters customer loyalty. Investing in custom packaging ultimately leads to long-term benefits, driving brand growth and success in today’s competitive market. New Zealand Couriers offer a range of brand development packages tailored to meet each client’s unique needs.